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Omniture Summit 2009 – Ski Day

Tony Bradshaw

The conference ended Thursday night and I must admit that I’m a bit tired. No not due to the parties. I’ve been up late blogging about the event. I started blogging about the event on Tuesday Morning prior to the Mind Meld session. After running into Brian Watkins, Omniture’s Sr. PR manager over social media…fondly referred to as Chief Canary Officer for his affinity with Twitter, I came to the realization that I should cover the entire event. Finish what you start right?

For the die hards who can figure out some way to stay in Salt Lake City 1 more day, Omniture provides free lift tickets and ski rental discounts along with a $20 gift card for the Snowbird Resort. I  used some of my built up vacation time to enjoy the fresh powder.

The 2008 Summit was my first ever run at skiing, and it wasn’t pretty. I did learn some things though. This year, I was eager to try a snowboard. I’ve developed some proficiency with skateboarding and wakeboarding, so snowboarding seemed to be a natural progression. We had some errands to run this morning, and then finally got on the slopes around 11:00. Beth, Tim and I stayed on green trails today while our comrade Branden ran all the blue trails and a black diamond. We wrapped up around 5:00 and headed back into town. Thankfully, no broken bones or injuries, but we’ll have some sore spots tomorrow. Skiing was a wonderful way to close out the week.

Thanks Omniture for providing some time to relax at the end of a hard week.

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