Whew! July and August have been rough, but now I’m on the mend. In July and August, I spent 25 days in the hospital. For what you might ask? My right kidney decided it was time to come out. Oh yes. It happens. We’d known my kidney was bad since 2007, but it wasn’t supposed to be an issue. Well, it became an issue. What was supposed to be 4 days in the hospital turned into 14 due to complications. The other 11 days were pre-surgery diagnosis and oh, my doctor had a family reunion out of state during my stay.
During what was a miserable time, I did my best to make lemonade out of lemons. It’s not fun spending 95% of your day in a hospital bed for 14 days after surgery, but I and my lovely wife made the best of it.
A week or so before my kidney issue popped up, I had loaded 4 cases of my book, The Millionaire Choice, into my jeep for an event. Most of the books were reloaded into my jeep after the event. Turns out they came in handy.
Stuck in a hospital room and laying on my back, I wanted to at least be a little productive. Setting up a couple of book stands in the windowsill, we began giving away copies of The Millionaire Choice. In all, we gave way 100+ books to nurses, doctors and other hospital staff. I had an amazing time having discussions with everyone about their money and their future.
We discussed everything from student loans, buying houses, building rental AirBNB property add-ons to groups playing the lottery. It was amazing to see so many people get excited to learn about money. Something no one had taken time to teach them.
During my ordeal, I found inspiration and encouragement as the words of Art Williams, founder of A.L. Williams, kept coming to mind. “All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough.”
Well, I’ve been home for two weeks now and just drove for the first time today. It’s time to get back to work helping people figure out their money, their future, and creating millionaire plans.
