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Omniture Interview

Tony Bradshaw

Our internet business team has been using Omniture Analytics since July 2007. Over the last year, we’ve been able to generate almost 600% ROI on their SiteCatalyst tool. In June 2008, we began experimenting with their Test and Target tool and we accomplished our 60 day goal of 400% ROI.

Recently, I had the opportunity to share some or successes with John Broady, Executive Director at OTTO Digital (the Omniture Test&Target consulting division) in an interview. John posted that interview on his blog this week.

If all goes well, I’ll be able to share some of this information at the Omniture Summit in February 2009.

About John Broady As executive director at OTTO Digital – the Omniture Test&Target consulting division – John Broady brings site optimization solutions to the Web’s top retailers, marketers and publishers. John specializes in A/B testing, ongoing optimization and content personalization, He advocates an approach of “radical simplicity” to match user experience with user intention.

About Omniture Omniture is a leading provider of online business optimization software. Omniture’s software, delivered to customers through hosted, on-demand services, offers an easier and more flexible way to manage online, multi-channel and off-line business initiatives without costly investments in IT infrastructure.

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