I never realized how hard it would be to write and finish a book when I started in May 2017, but finally, it’s done! The book copy is done. The cover is done. Now it is prepping for print!
Truly writing a book is the project that never seems to end. It seems like things just keep coming up to do or redo that keep you from finishing the job. Thankfully, I had some good friends and professional support in my editor, Anna Floit of The Peacock Quill, and my publisher, Morgan James Publishing. I can’t imaging trying to write a book on your own without some help!
During my writing, it was fun to hear about the different ways people write books. Some plan books out for years. Some just start writing. Some come up with an outline and then get to work. After writing my first book, I believe there’s not a right or wrong way to write a book. There’s just the way that you do it, and that is one of the things that makes it special. For my book, I crafted an outline using the chapters. After coming up with a list of chapters I wanted to write, I thought about what I wanted to include in each chapter. Some of the original chapters didn’t make the final cut. I’ll probably include them in another book someday.
I was very apprehensive after finishing the first draft in early July 2017. That’s when it was time for phase 2, get feedback from one of my very close friends. I gave him my book in early July 2017. When August arrived, it was time to touch base with him again to see what he thought. The anticipation of what he might say was nerve wracking! Did he like it? Would he think it was bad? What if he told me to throw it in the trash and start over? I vaguely recall the conversation, but one part of our discussion I remember very well. I asked him, “Is it worth writing?” He answered, “Yes. You’ve got a lot of work to do, but it’s worth writing.” His reply was all I needed to keep going on my book. Just that little boost of affirmation gave me the energy and confidence I needed to keep moving forward.
It’s been thirteen months since our conversation, and finally the book is done. Soon it will be heading to the printers. It seems so surreal.
The Book Wrap
This particular week I’m very excited because the book’s wrap has been completed. The book wrap includes the front cover, the binding, and the back cover. This is one of the last steps of production before the book is ready for the bookstores. With each completed step, I can feel the reality of my first published book and with it, the hope and excitement of being able to help people with it’s financial teaching.
The book cover process was pretty straightforward for me, and I was very happy that the publisher liked my cover concepts. I’ve heard many horror stories about publishers not really doing a good job on book covers for the authors and the authors not being satisfied with their covers. In my case, I’m very happy. I was able to present a mockup to the publisher and they quickly came back with several covers to review. After several revisions and tweaks, we ended up with a finished cover. The book wrap, binding and back cover, needed to wait until all of the writing was finalized so that we knew the page count of the book. This week, the final version came back, and well, see what you think. Comments welcome!
I present to you the book wrap for The Millionaire Choice, Millionaire or Not. You Can Choose.
