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A Visit with Global Media Outreach

There are many great leaders and groups doing wonderful work in sharing Jesus with the world. Several weeks ago I was introduced to Global Media Outreach. GMO as they call it was founded by Walt Wilson. I could write several books about Walt and you’d never be able to put them down. Former marine and former Apple team member and leader on Steve Job’s team, Walt walked away from the professional business world to focus on using digital media to reach the world for Christ. What God has used him to do is simply amazing.

Walt Wilson: Video 1 , Video 2 , Article

Global Media Outreach was started in 2003. Since that time, GMO has served up the Gospel to over 1.5 Billion times worldwide and achieved an astounding 150 million decisions for Christ. With over 4,000 volunteer online missionaries, GMO reaches people for Christ in 126 countries and across 6 languages.

GMOs unique approach targets language groups and then leverages online and mobile digital to reach people for Christ. Early on Walt recognized the power of the internet to reach people for Christ and set about preparing for the day when he would be able to embrace the mission full time. Now 13 years later, GMO is able to present the gospel of Jesus for 10 cents! 10 cents will serve up the gospel to someone in the middle east where not even the most courageous missionaries are able to go.

Being a numbers geek myself, GMO’s use of numbers and analytics made me smile. They have the best numbers on Christian expansion in the world. Serving up the gospel over 250,000 times per day and seeing roughly 25,000 decisions for Christ, GMO has put together what is probably one of the best estimates on where the gospel is being sought.

I’m looking forward to getting more involved with Walt and Global Media Outreach. Take time to look at their ministry. It is truly amazing.

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