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The Only True to Scale Model of our Solar System

Tony Bradshaw
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Our universe is an amazing place. It is an infinitely complex system. Truthfully, it is billions of infinitely complex systems called galaxies. I’m constantly amused and bewildered at people who try to explain the universe’s origin with the “Big Bang” or other theories. The universe is more complex than our human minds can comprehend, so we try to simply explain away it’s complexity tih simple terms and theories.

Today on twitter I found this interesting project a group of guys spent time in the Nevada desert building. They have created an accurately scaled version of our solar system. Their team claims it is the first and only true to scale version of our solar system. Once you see it, it really puts things into perspective. It helps you realize that our solar system is only one of hundreds of millions in the Milky Way Galaxy and that the Milky Way Galaxy is but one of billions of galaxies.

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