What an exciting time it is to be in the financial space. The financial markets are at all time highs with the Dow Jones breaking 25,000. Personal and governmental debt has reached extremes possibly causing an implosion of the entire western financial system at any time. Russia and China are weaning themselves off the western financial system by working to create a gold backed alternative currency with the goal of dethroning the US dollar as the only world reserve currency. And then there's cryptocurrency, where new "Bitcoin Millionaires" are being minted regularly.
In this crazy financial climate, the question is, "what are you doing to build and protect your family's wealth?" Too many of us are going for the immediate gratification of that new car, luxury vacation, or indulging in some other way to spend your hard earned money. The reality is, it's what you do with your money today that will determine if you will be a millionaire or multi-millionaire tomorrow. Does that make you think differently about how you are going to spend your money today? It should. Every dollar you spend costs you multi-dollars in the future.
At a meager 10% annual growth rate, $500 spent this month would have become $2,000 in just 14 years if you had invested it. $8,000 in 28 years. Now, how will you spend that $500 this month?
Perhaps, you have a bit more disposable income than the average person. Maybe you have $5,000 to spend this month. If you spend that $5,000 this month, you just cost yourself $20,000 in 14 years or $80,000 in 28 years.
Whatever money you have available, if you want to be a millionaire, you have to learn to multiply your money rather than spend it. To multiply your money you have to practice taking what you have and turning it into more. You can't do that by spending it all on the latest gadget or your favorite latte at Starbucks.
Now, let's get a little radical. 10% is a great annual return if you're using real estate or the stock market, but what about getting a better return? Sometimes opportunities are all around us, but we miss them. I missed one in 2003 when my wife told me to invest in Apple Computers at $4 a share. Ouch. That one still hurts. Hindsight is usually 20/20, and we recognize our missed opportunities. Why do we miss these millionaire maker opportunities? That is a great question. Sometimes we're just clueless about the opportunity, and it isn't on our radar. At other times, we're just not willing to take the risks. Well, the opportunity is here again and it's called cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and the like. How do I know this is a millionaire opportunity? Because I've met quite a few people who have already become millionaires through cryptocurrencies. I've recently met several people who invested modest amounts between $5,000 and $50,000 who saw their investments grow to over $1,000,000.
Over the last several months as I've continue to get deeper into the cryptocurrency industry, I've recognized we're still in the early stages of the industry, and we are quickly entering the early adoption phase where the industry takes a deeper hold on society and becomes more mainstream. The news is all around if you look for it. Crypto Coins News and Coin Telegraph keep you abreast of the daily industry news.
During my cryptocurrency dive, I've talked with dozens of people about cryptocurrency. Some people are taking the risks with cryptocurrency investments, and some are skeptics. The skeptics are usually the tradition financial and investing guys committed to the status quo and what they know. I would call these guys safe traditional investors. Cryptocurrency is too new and volatile for them. To them it's a bubble waiting to pop. What I believe they are missing is that cryptocurrency is the birth of an industry. It won't follow all the traditional rules of investing. When Ford created the car, he created an industry. It changed everything. Here we are again with Bitcoin in the financial market
I believe the "wise" risk takers will be smiling with millionaire, and I believe that the skeptics will once again be reliving the "missed opportunity moment." In time, we will know who is right and who is wrong.
In any case, you can't be a fool with your money or investing. Whether you want to stick with traditional investing tools like real estate and the stock market or you prefer riskier investments like crytpocurrency, it is important to take advantage of your millionaire opportunities and be smart about them. Educate yourself and sync up with people who are smarter than you on the topic. As part of my cryptocurrency learning, I connected with the team at Crypto Capital Club's Telegram Chat and Adela Investment, the first Cryptocurrency Investment Fund based in Nashville, TN. Adela's team has helped bring me up to speed on the cryptocurrency space. A few other great resources include Chris Dunn and The Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast hosted by Trace Mayer.
I always remember to consider the risks with any investment. Here are some simple rules that I follow.
I never invest more money than I am willing to lose if things go 100% south.
I never risk money I need. I could lose it all.
I know cryptocurrency is considered a "high risk" investment at this time. It is very volatile. As the industry matures, the risk should become lower.
I only put at risk 5-10% of my net worth. If things blow up, I have plenty of money to fall back on to keep going.
Let me know if you become a "Cryptocurrency Millionaire". I'd love to hear your story.
