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Omniture Summit 2009 – Day 3

Tony Bradshaw

Day 3 is has drawn to a close. Lots of exciting stuff happened today. The keynotes this morning were good. I took a few great notes from George F. Colony (Chairman of the Board and CEO for Forrester research). I really loved George’s content on “8 things I’d say to your CEO over coffee.” It’s late, so I’m not going to take the time to share those in this post.

Following George was Danny Sullivan who is widely touted as a search engine marketing guru. Do some research on SMX if you want to know more about Danny.

I spent my time today attending 3 standard sessions then finishing up at the product roadmap session with Omniture’s CTO Brett Error.

My first session of the day was Left Brain vs. Right Brain. In most organizations tension between programmers/analytics people and marketing/creative occurs. Thankfully, we’re not dealing with heavy amounts of this, but it never hurts to be prepared.

Session 2 had me jump around from 1 session to another. It’s common to do this if the session you are in isn’t really hitting a need you have. I started with Breaking Down the Silos and ended up in Online/Offline/Online again dealing with tieing customers offline and online activities together so that you can make better business decisions.

Session 3 covered some automated marketing steps using some of Omniture’s tools. I got some really great ideas from this session that we’ll apply to several of our business models.

Closing session – with this being my 3rd Summit to attend, I was pleased as always to sit in on Brett Error’s product roadmap session. Brett has great candor with the Omniture community. His demeanor and wittiness are a real site to behold. Brett rates near the top as one of my favorite Omniture Executives to see on stage. As the company grows, I’d love to see the company find more ways to leverage Brett’s stage presence. I think it would do wonder’s for inspiring the community. Perhaps, quarterly pipe into Brett via video webinar sessions or something similar?

My team and I spent a few hours at the closing activities. Great fun and more time to network with other industry professionals/Omniture users. It was a great atmosphere and I have to hand it to Omniture. Seeing the Omniture Execs mixing it up with with the conference attendees in such a fun setting was awesome.

I had 2 highlights from the evening. (1) Seeing Josh James karaoke the Eagles’ Hotel California (pic below) and (2) having my wife meet Gail Ennis, Omniture’s SVP of Marketing (pic below). Beth, my wife extraordinaire, was also able to meet Nicole Rowe, Josh’s Executive Assistant. I was fortunate to meet Nicole 3 years ago at the first Summit I attended. She’s really impressed me over the last 3 years as she’s worked hard to keep up with Josh’s crazy schedule and responsibilities. Omniture has really grown and I’m sure Josh’s and Nicole’s workload has grown as well. Keep it up Nicole!

I’m looking forward to skiing tomorrow. 😉

Karaoke crowd at the after after party

Karaoke crowd at the after after party

Karaoke nuts

Karaoke nuts

Josh James karaoke. The Eagles' Hotel California. A truly remarkable rendition.

Josh James karaoke. The Eagles' Hotel California. A truly remarkable rendition.

Beth meets Gail Ennis (SVP Marketing)

Beth meets Gail Ennis (SVP Marketing). Sorry for the quality of the picture Gail! It was dark!

Rulon - Clear employee. Dave Fan.

Rulon - Clear employee. Dave Ramsey Fan. I met him while picking up my wife at the airport.

Julee. Hotel Employee. Recently discovered Dave. Cut up 3 credit cards. 1 American Express to go.

Julee. Hotel Employee. Recently discovered Dave Ramsey. Cut up 3 credit cards. 1 American Express to go.

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