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Networking in Nashville

I discovered Digital Nashville a few months ago while probing a little deeper into Linked In’s groups for web professionals. Last night I was my first venture out to one of the group’s meet ups. Not knowing what I would find, I was pleasantly surprised by some of the people I met at the Digital Nashville meet up. Regretfully, I didn’t take any pictures.

The meeting last night was a good opportunity to get a first hand take on what the group is all about. What I found was that Digital Nashville has about 2,000 members (excellent for a group only 9 months old), and it is comprised of professionals across the technology and creative spectrum. At last night’s get together, I chatted with a Cobol programmer, 2 php programmers, a usability consultant, several marketing and technology moguls. Overall a very good evening, and I’ll be back again in the future.

I wish this group had been around for longer. When I first got into the web back in 2001, I jumped right into the local groups by plugging into the local Cold Fusion Users Group (Nashville Cold Fusion Users Group), but I hadn’t found a good Nashville marketing resource like this before now. Stepping up my networking over the past 3 years, has proven extremely valuable to my professional growth. If you’re in Nashville and into the web/digital scene, take some time to check out Digital Nashville.

Persons of Note Justin Davis, Madera Labs Joel Widmer, Fluxe Digital Marketing Tim Munsell…Analytics Ninja, Twitter, Blog

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