I first met Kevin Anderson in 2017 as I began writing The Millionaire Choice. Kevin had recently been promoted to General Manager of Salem Media Group here in Nashville, TN. Kevin has a tremendous passion for people and the Nashville community. On this episode of The Millionaire Choice Show, Kevin and I discuss life, money, and faith. As a leader in one of the largest Christian media groups, Kevin has some unique insights into Christian life, leadership, and organizations.
About Kevin
It seems no matter where life has taken me it has always led me back to the field. My formative years were spent on a dairy farm in rural Middle Tennessee. The field was the place where the food was grown for the largest contributors to the Anderson family’s livelihood, the dairy cattle. I learned the importance of the preparation of the ground, the planting of the right seed and patience.
After coming to know Christ in high school, I went on to college and the book-field, selling books door-to-door for Varsity Corporation/Thomas Nelson, in the Texas heat. There I learned the truths of Dale Carnegie, That Life Is Tremendous, and one should always Think Big! This field helped make me the man I am and the seeds of a career were planted.
I moved on to the retail field. I learned how to cultivate profits by increasing customer satisfaction and controlling expenses. I began learning the importance of pouring into people and “raising up” leaders. I also met my incredible wife of 29 years, Stephanie. Together we began growing children! We have four; two boys, two girls and five beautiful grandchildren to add to the crop! .
The next natural step is where I find myself today, helping other business owners and sellers sow and reap the harvest. Over the last 25 years I have consulted numerous business owners, hired and trained several high performance sales leaders, launched two radio stations and coached hundreds of entrepreneurs. I am now the proud leader of Salem Media Group-Nashville an organization that is dedicated to the growth of our partner businesses and non-profits, "spoiling them with results", while "Winning The Hearts" of the audiences we serve. Our team of content and media strategists deliver insight, driving change and incremental improvement. We are convinced that if we focus on "Winning The Hearts" of our teammates, customers and partners, using that as our "Why" and "Filter", growth will be a foregone conclusion.
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