Tonight I checked an item off my “honey do list”. It always feels good. Unfortunately, it never seems like the list gets any shorter. 🙂
Since moving into our new house last August, we’ve had problems with a circuit in our garage. This particular circuit was for our freezer, so our freezer hasn’t worked since moving into the new house. To save you the time, it’s been 10 months. Now I know what you may be thinking. Why did it take so long to get that fixed for my lovely wife? Don’t I care about what’s important to her? Well, of course I do. However, there was something a little more pressing. Something, a little more important. The new man cave. Then the extended man cave. With all that done. Tonight was the night. I’ve finally begun organizing the section of the garage where the freezer is located. I have high expectations.
Since I’m a car guy, I need some car thingies. I’m planning to go with Gladiator Garage Works. Sorry. I’ve digressed. Now back to the point of fixing the freezer.
Growing up the son of a carpenter, machinist, plumber (somewhat) and electrician (somewhat), I’ve been fortunate to pickup a few skills. While I’m no expert in electrical work, I do enjoy hooking up the occasional wire…as long as it doesn’t come with a shock. Electrical work isn’t overly difficult if you’re handy, do a little reading and exercise some caution. If you’ve never installed your own light or wired something up. Try it. Just be very careful!
I ran the new circuit and the freezer has been running since 9:00. So far, so good.
For your viewing pleasure, here’s a shot of my manliness. Not my best hair day. 🙂

The Electrical Panel