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2010 Omniture Summit – Day 2

This morning started way too early. 🙂 We jetted down for some breakfast and juice then headed over to get some premium third row seating (the first two rows were reserved. I generally like to sit towards the front left. The keynotes this morning were good, and Josh James was the best I’ve seen him. He did a great job with his content and delivery. However, I wasn’t too impressed by John Battelle. His delivery and content were pretty good, but the slide deck appeared to be constructed on the flight into Salt Lake. I’d rather have function without good form if I had to pick anyway.

After that, we hit the quick lunch scene where we gobbled down a few bites then headed back upstairs to practice our presentation a bit.

Around 1:15, Tim and I headed to the conference room to setup for our presentation. Unfortunately, the computer glitched up prior to the session so Brent Dykes lost a few minutes. Once he got rolling, he moved through his material quickly. As I sat there listening for 30-35 minutes to Brent’s delivery, I had time to polish the opening in my head.

I kicked it off and got quite a few chuckles. Tim took over a few minutes later and did a great job. The room was packed and the crowd of 100-125 people gave us a rousing applause. After the session ended, we were asked if we had time to do it again tomorrow. They turned away 150 people who wanted to see our session. WOW! Since the presentation, Tim and I have both been shocked by how many people made it a point to tell us how good our session was.

Tomorrow, I get to interview Josh James! I spent some time this morning writing out some questions. Nothing too serious, it should be a fun time. If all goes well, it will be posted tomorrow night.

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