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EP 97: Lost Everything to 7 Figure Business Owner, Steven Pemberton, Hollow Co.

Tony Bradshaw

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This week on the Millionaire Choice, Tony talks with Steven Pemberton, eCommerce entrepreneur and founder of Hollow Company. He's gone from broke in 2015 to successful 7 figure businessman and future millionaire in 2022! Congrats Steven! Way to shift your money mindset!

About Steven

Steven is has generated over 3 million in revenue on E-commerce platforms with a focus on bringing brick and mortar businesses into the online world. He’s a “kingdom focused” entrepreneur with a mission and purpose behind his money and business.

Steve’s mess has been become his message. His life journey took him from losing everything in 2015 to 7-figure business owner continues to inspire others daily. After rebuilding his financial life, Steven now helps small businesses get in front of their ideal clients through a marketing strategy called Challenges.

Discover more about Steven Pemberton and Hollow Co. at

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