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EP 31: Think and Grow Rich, Dr. Dennis Kimbro, Author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice

Tony Bradshaw

This week on the Millionaire Choice, Tony talks with Dr. Dennis Kimbro, co-author of Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice and author of The Wealth Choice. Dr. Kimbro and Tony share the same opinion that virtually anyone can build wealth by making the right life and financial choices.

Dr. Kimbro has spent his entire career interviewing peak performers all over the world, and gleaning the best ideas, strategies and success principles from their words. He’s heard the same things enough times to know that all people who succeed tend to follow the same path and that all people who have not succeeded yet tend to fall into the same pit over and over again.

Dennis Kimbro is a best-selling author of five books, writing partner and master trainer for the prestigious Napoleon Hill Foundation, and is on the faculty at Clark Atlanta University School of Business Administration. He is a recipient of the Dale Carnegie Personal Achievement award.

Dr. Kimbro received his B.A. degree from the University of Oklahoma, and a M.A. and doctorate from Northwestern University where he studied wealth and poverty in underdeveloped countries. In 2005, the National Black MBA Association presented him with the 2005 H. Naylor Fitzhugh award, recognizing him as one of the top professors in the nation.

Dr. Kimbro studied the methodology of Napoleon Hill, author of the phenomenal international 1930s best seller Think and Grow Rich. Inspired, Dr. Kimbro decided to do what Hill had done. He developed a survey to use among peak performing Black Americans. Two years later, he learned from the Napoleon Hill Foundation that Mr. Hill himself had written nearly one hundred pages on the very same subject in the 1970s. Left incomplete, it turned out to be Mr. Hill’s last manuscript. After a personal meeting with the late W. Clement Stone, then-president of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Dr. Kimbro was commissioned to update and complete Hill’s original manuscript. Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, the results of Dr. Kimbro and Hill’s efforts, distills the secrets of success contained in the lives of peak performing Black men and women, and reveals how readers can use these keys to make their dreams come true. Dr. Kimbro is now a certified Napoleon Hill Science of Success trainer and leadership coach.

Discover more about Dr. Dennis Kimbro at

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