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Hey there, let's talk about some serious stuff that's been on people's minds lately. We're facing some pretty significant challenges in the global economy, including recent bank failures, a coming economic decline, and potential civil unrest.

Now before we start, you need to understand there's a lot more going on in the United States and the world than you could possibly imagine. Just when I think I've got a handle on things, a new piece of information shows up that throws my world on tilt. Literally. I'm sure you've sensed it, something is changing in the world, but you can't quite put your finger on it. You're not alone. But, if you think it's business as usual, you're going to be in for a shock.

Get ready. The world is about to change, and it isn't for the better.

First off, let's talk about the banking industry.

Banks are a vital part of our economy, and any instability or failure can have serious consequences. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has put pressure on banks as businesses and individuals struggle to repay their loans. This has led to a decline in profitability and a need to make provisions for bad debts and the risk of default.

On top of that, traditional banks are facing competition from digital banking and fintech companies. Consumers are increasingly turning to these services for convenience, speed, and cost savings, putting pressure on traditional banks to modernize their operations and invest in technology.

Right now, we are beginning to see the greatest bank consolidation since the great depression. It began in 2008-2010, then went on pause until 2019 when the covid outbreak began. What we're seeing now are the ripple effects of covid, shutting down the economy, massive printing of money, inflation, and rising interest rates. You could say it's a "Perfect Storm," but storms are wild. What we're seeing is a very controlled manipulation of the financial system. Once it's over, a new restructured financial system will be in place with tighter Central Banking and governmental controls that centralize financial power even more. To learn more about this, read The Great Reset by Glenn Beck

let's talk about the coming economic decline.

What a grimacing headline! Just the type of thing you want to read while you're heading home from work or carrying the kids to soccer practice. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but unless something shifts very quickly, we'll be stepping into the 2nd Great Depression, complete with a tanking stock market, high unemployment, and even food shortages. As you see all of this unfold, I want you to remember that it's all a planned and executed scenario.

The pandemic has caused widespread disruptions to supply chains, reduced demand, and increased unemployment. These impacts have been felt across all sectors of the economy, from manufacturing to services. These problems will continue to grow in 2023 as the repercussions of the global covid shutdown take effect. Many large corporations like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and more are laying off 10-25% of their workforce. Many of the people I speak with like to blow these incidents off, calling it business as usual as companies restructure to strengthen the organizations. While that is a common process for large corporations, it's extremely uncommon for so many of the top companies to seemingly be synchronized in their timing.

The pandemic has also exposed vulnerabilities in the global economic system, such as the lack of resilience in supply chains and the reliance on a few key industries. Some are calling for a shift towards a more sustainable and resilient economic model, one that is less reliant on global trade and more focused on local production and consumption.

are we facing civil unrest?

Inflation is running rampant. Food prices are soaring. "Avian flu" is forcing farmers to cull flocks nationally and globally. Nitrogen, a primary component in fertilizers, has been restricted. And there's been a rash number of farm and food processing fires across the nation and globally. Over 100 farm and food processing plant fires in the United States over the last two years. What's going on?

Resource shortages drive civil unrest. Energy shortages in electricity and fuel drive prices higher. With increases of 50-100%, family budgets are stretched beyond their limits. Food prices are 30-60% higher on many items and still climbing.

I was just a youngin' during the 1970s high inflation period. Gas was rationed, and I remember waiting in lines several cars long just to get 5-10 gallons of gas. Only to wake up the next morning and find someone had siphoned the gas out of our car. My dad was a carpenter. More than once, his tools were stolen out of his car or off his truck.

I believe we are at the beginning of such times again, and there is more to come. Be prepared.

Many countries are experiencing rising levels of inequality, political polarization, and social unrest, which the pandemic has only exacerbated. The rise of social media and digital communication has made it easier for people to organize and mobilize around social and political issues, leading to a surge in protests and civil unrest.

Furthermore, governments have used emergency powers to restrict civil liberties, which has further fueled anger and resentment among many people. It's a concerning trend that could have significant implications for global stability and progress.

Sounds depressing. Why are you sharing this?

I'm a positive guy...most of the time, but today, I've decided there are things everyone needs to know to start getting prepared for the coming months and years. While I'm sharing my insights with you, I'm not alone. Glenn Beck, James Rickards, Robert Kiyosaki. Hundreds of influencers and millions of people who understand what is happening and are working to get people as prepared as possible for the road ahead.

My Top 5 Suggestions to prepare
  1. Protect your cash. Smaller banks. Buy silver and gold from your local dealer. Don't assume your bank is safe. Research its financial standing, fractional reserves, and risk. If it's a risky bank, you may do better considering a smaller bank or a local credit union. Most banks are highly leveraged to maximize their profits. That works unless the system is melting down and being restructured, which is currently taking place. Then it will break down. Banks that retain more of their capital and favor less risk should be more stable during this time. The US dollar is in decline and will be phased out of the global economy. The Chinese Yuan is already on its way to replacing the dollar. As the US Dollar dies due to inflation and loses its World Reserve Currency Status, it will become a localized currency or perhaps even die. Silver and gold have been forms of money for over 3,000 years.

  2. Pay down your debt. With the coming economic upheaval, it would be wise to minimize your risk by paying down your debt. If you can pay for your house, consider it.

  3. Stock up on food and water. Plant a garden. For most Americans, we don't understand the hardships of the 1st Great Depression. We assume food will always be available from "the system." We need to learn to prepare for breakdowns in the system. What if grocery stores don't have food? What if trucks don't deliver? Did you know that in the 1940s and 50s that over fifty percent of Americans grow food in their own gardens and stored it for the winter? Crazy right? No. That's when Americans knew how to fend for themselves.

  4. Prepare for a stock market crash. Regardless of the confusion coming out of the government, many economists acknowledge that we are in a recession, and many predict a coming depression. Some predict economic depression at a level that we haven't seen before. Between 1929 and 1933, the stock market dropped 89%! What are we in store for this time? In 2017, I moved my stock market assets into a self-directed IRA to give me more investing flexibility. It allowed me to diversify my risk beyond mutual funds and 401ks. A self-directed IRA gave me access to private equity investments, real estate, REITs, gold, silver, and much more. My current exposure in the stock market is 0. While there are many Self-Directed IRAs, I use Equity Trust.

  5. Build a support network. During hard times, we have to rely on each other. Develop your support network, so you know who to go to and who to trust in hard times. When the hard times hit, it's too late to build your network.

In the face of these challenges, it's critical that we work together. It's essential to remember that we're all in this together. The success of the global economy depends on our ability to adapt and respond to these challenges and build a more resilient and inclusive future. It's not going to be easy, but we can do it.


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