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Planets, Stars and Galaxies. Our Beautiful Universe.

Tony Bradshaw

Ever since my sixth grade science class, I’ve had a fascination with Astronomy. Although it has ebbed and flowed over time, I’ve my desire to learn more about astronomy and someday own a “monster” telescope has remained.

My parents bought my first telescope for me in 7th or 8th grade. I don’t recall exactly when, but I do remember it being during my middle school years. It was a Celestron refractor telescope very similar to this one Celestron Refractor Telescope. It was a fine entry level telescope especially for a kid.

When I married in 1998, I was pleased to discover that my wife had won a Reflector Telescope at a store drawing. It was big step up from the telescope I had as a kid. After having a few kids of our own, somewhere along the way the kids trashed the tracking gears. It was time for some upgrades. 🙂

After a bit of research and deciding on a budget, I landed on a 12″ Zhumell Dobsonian from Its quite the telescope standing almost 6′ tall off.


So why all this fascination with astronomy? If you stop for minute and clear your mind of everything you think of during your daily routine. Seriously, clear out all this distractions. Now…

Ponder that earth is 25,000 miles in diameter and its surface is more smoother than a billiard ball relative to size. Its fascinating. Planets rotate, spin around a sun on a set path, all in synchronicity without colliding. Its fascinating. In our Milky Way Galaxy scientists have discovered 500 solar systems. Our Milky Way Galaxy is said to house some 300 billion stars.  It’s fascinating.

I could go on, but pictures speak louder than words.

I’m still completely baffled that anyone thinks that the universe as complex as it is could every have simply “occurred”. Its the most complex thing that has ever existed. Matter, planets, gravity, thermodynamics, magnetism, planets, stars, DNA, life, photosynthesis, food processing, and the list is endless. God’s design is written on everything.

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